Beautiful pics of Helene Fischer and Claudia Wells feet & legs
People who enjoy low-grade rivalries in pop may find it exciting the fact that Katy Perry beat Taylor Swift out to become Forbess highest-paid female musician for 2018. But the real excitement lies in Forbes' top 10, in which a potential challenger might be found. Helene Fisher is ranked the number. 8. She is just below Rihanna but higher than Celine as well as Britney. Who? Who? A famous German-Russian who is constantly trying to maintain the "everywoman" appeal. In all of her interviews she only mentions she loves artisanal butter. Her boyfriend a German TV star was also amazed to see her tattooed face across his arm. Fischer 34, in more tame biographical terms, is the star in Germanys Schlager Scene. Its sound is directed in two different directions. The first song is more of a bierhalle rhythm that focuses on the themes of drunk girls as well as the German. Fischer is the person who embodies this foil, a faithful woman with a heart that is slurred and her breathing slows when she thinks about how her dedicated man plays on her vulnerability as a woman so as to incite his protection instincts. Schlager took on its traditional themes to counter the vulgar western style that had invaded Germany following World War II. It endures thanks to its immense popularity among babies boomers and beyond who are well served by the endless specials on TV from Fischer puts on every Christmas a cloying all-star revue that has Jools Annual hootenanny look like the Channel 4s Club X. Schlager has the same down-home style as country music as well as Fischer updated it with an aggressive synth pop version. The singer is similar to an German Taylor Swift. Swifts evolutive musical style has transformed her into a cool person, while Fischer's music is absolutely terrible.
Claudia Wells, an American actor, was born and brought up within Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. She currently lives in San Francisco CA. Wells gained fame due to her role in the film Back to the Future (1985) as Jennifer Parker Marty McFly's lover. Additionally, in 1985 Wells played a part on Stop the Madness an anti drug-related music video commissioned by the Reagan administration and featuring a variety of well-known musicians actors as well as athletes. In the following year, she was a guest in a television film Babies Having Babies and played as the lead character in the series that lasted just a few episodes Fast Times a television adaptation of the popular 1982 film Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Despite her career moving forward along a well-known path toward entertainment success Claudia decided to take a break from acting when her mother was diagnosed with cancer. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called Claudia has over fifty credits for film TV as well as the stage. Her true career is yet to come and she is looking forward to tough, slick and surprising role. If she's not collaborating for charities or working as an actress on set Claudia is in charge of her elegant clothing store for men called Armani Wells which you can learn more about by visiting the website

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